Nerja housing grants

Next Saturday, April 12th, is the deadline for applications for those in Nerja who want to take advantage of the municipal grants for the renovation of houses.

Applicants can be private tenants, landlords or communities where the building is older than ten years. The grants are designed to help those with lesser financial means and is for those whose income is less than 2.5 times the IPREM (Indicador Público de Rentas de Efectos Múltiples).

The works may include stabilization and structural improvements relating to safety, rain-proofing, lighting, ventilation, installation of water supply, gas, electricity and sanitation etc. The maximum grant is €10,000 per house and will be paid out in two installments. Applications can be obtained and submitted to the Oficina de Atención al Ciudadano at the Town Hall (ground floor) or by telephone on 952548400.

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