First underground car park in Torrox could open by the end of this year

The first underground car park in Torrox Pueblo could be open for business by the end of the year.

The first underground car park in Torrox Pueblo, located in the centre of town, La Almedina, could be finished in about two months and open for business by the end of the year if the current rate of progress is maintained.

The project is financed by the consortium Almedina. which consists of the companies Trigemer and ECSA, and has a budget of 7 million euros. The land, a 5,600 square metre plot, is a 20 year concession, renewable at the end of each period.

The Councillor for Urbanism yesterday announced an amendment to the original project whereby an area of 835 square metres is to be made available for the construction of offices and commercial premises. This change to the plans will increse the cost of the project by one million euros and see a reduction in the number of parking spaces from 422 to 385.

The councillor also announced that the second proposed underground car park, in calle Pontil, should be finished by the end of next year. This second car park will have 245 parking places and will be municipally controlled.

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