Rio Chillar, El Chucho and other updates…

Chiquipandi, the indoor play area for kids on calle Antonio Ferrandis, and its associated Bar/Cafe Oceanos has closed down, just leaving Dino Park for the toddlers.

Metropolis in Plaza Tutti Frutti is up for sale, as is Ricardo’s down by Plaza Fabrica de los Cangrejos.

At El Chucho beach, where work has restarted on the promenade, one man and his bulldozer has been replaced by one man and his digger, but things are moving along a bit.


The Rio Chillar project is now supposed to be completed in February, so how are they doing?

There are benches along the walkway, rubbish bins and there is a bridge.


Trees are still being planted. There are supposed to be around 2,000 altogether.



The area by the road bridge looks as though there is still rather a lot to do!


As we get down to El Playazo beach.



It’s getting there, at long last, and the whole project does seem to have been greatly reduced in magnitude, but there does appear to be a lot left to do before the area looks ‘picturesque’.

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