Joaquín Herrera pavillion

The covered pavillion at the Joaquín Herrera school in calle Chaparil is expected to be ready, although not fully finished, by the end of May this year, over one year behind schedule.

The project began in late 2006 and should have been finished more than a year ago. However, changes to the original draft, extra costs and the usual sundry delays have meant that pupils at the school have had to suffer disruption for a rather long time.

Fed up with the delays, the Association of Parents of Pupils (AMPA) made numerous complaints and now, following a meeting attended by the Councillor for Sports, Andrés Márquez, representatives of the school and the construction company, a completion date of May has now been agreed.

The project had a budget of €880,000, financed 50-50 with the Junta de Andalucía.

Although the pavillion will be ready in May, it will not actually be fully completed. Several of the planned changing rooms will not now be built due to a lack of funds.

The Council has pledged to find the necessary extra funds at a later date.

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