AEN requests Council help to obtain a loan

The Asociación de Empresarios de Nerja (AEN) has proposed that the Council requests a loan to carry out necessary repairs to the infrastructure on the industrial estate on the Frigiliana road.

The estimated cost of repairs is around €5 million and the raising of such a loan is beyond the scope of the 150 businesses located on the estate. To overcome this problem, the AEN is requesting that the Council secure the loan and that this is paid back by the businesses over a period of eight years.

The industrial estate consistes of private plots and much of the area is without lighting or proper sanitation and the roads, or tracks in many cases, are in a terrible state. It is an issue which has been pending for many years, basically since the whole project was started.

The AEN also point out that the industrial estate is one of the first things visitors see upon arrival in Nerja and getting it sorted out would help with the image of the town.

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