As was only to be expected, the ruling Partido Popular has responded to remarks made by the provincial delegate from the Ministry of Public Works, Dolores Fernández, and the provincial delegate from the Department of Education, Antonio Escámez, during their visit to Nerja the other day as part of the European election campaign.
Spokesman for the PP, José Miguel García, said that the two delegates should have met with the Mayor and the Council to discuss such issues and, on the subject of the proposed golf course, added that both the Council and Medgroup feel cheated by the Socialists.
García explained that the Council has already planned the creation of a second golf course to be included in the new PGOU, this one to be in the Tetuán area east of the city, below the old N-340. He said:
Why should we have to make do with only one golf course, when other nearby municipalities have three to four?
On the subject of the proposed marina, which the delegates announced could begin in 2011, José Miguel García expressed scepticism regarding the environmental impact report and said that the Junta de Andalucía were basically ‘having a laugh’ as, in 2007, it was announced that the start date would be 2008.
If only all the time, energy and enthusiasm spent on party political rhetoric could be channelled into something constructive, like actually doing something or finishing projects. Dream on.