Flood damage in Andalucia

A dozen municipalities have either agreed or are requesting ‘disaster area’ status in connection with flood damage during the recent spell of bad weather.

The twelve municipalities are:

Granada province – Valderrubio,  Motril, Belerda, Güéjar Sierra, Pinos Puente and Marchal

Málaga province – Casares, Jimena de Líbar and Cortes de la Frontera

Cádiz province – San Martín del Tesorillo and Jimena de la Frontera

Huelva province – Almonte.

One of the worst hit places was Valderrubio in the municipality of Pinos Puente where one woman lost herlife and 600 of the 800 houses were damaged by flood waters. Sanitation, infrastructure and roads were also affected, the damage being assessed at around €3 million.

Flood damage in Málaga province is estimated at €30 million, with €20 million being damage to infrastructure and rural roads and €10 million being damage to agricultural products.

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