Torrox Council wants to renovate the Molino de Pérez sugar mill

In the next few days, Torrox Council is hoping to submit a project for the comprehensive renovation of the old Molino de Pérez sugar mill under the Plan for Sustainable Tourism in the Axarquia.

The building has been municipally owned for the past few years after being ceded to the Council by the Larios Sugar Company. The mill was originally Moorish in design but subsequently underwent modifications.

The cost of the project is estimated at €500,000 and, under the Plan for Sustainable Tourism in the Axarquia, the Junta de Andalucia would fund 70% of the cost and the Council the remaining 30%.

The idea is to turn the old mill into a cultural and multipurpose centre.

Under the first stage of the Plan for Sustainable Tourism in the Axarquia, the Council has already obtained approval for a €640,000 project to create an interpretative centre around the 1st Century Roman ruins near the Faro de Torrox. This project is to be put out to tender shortly.

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