A request for help…

The following email came in requesting help, so if anyone can oblige then this would no doubt be much appreciated.

I am wondering if you can help at all?

I am trying to find a person who you may or may not know? His name is Ian last name Bull. He plays guitar and Irish music I believe. His partner (may not be) plays violin and her name is Rachel or Adrienne…sorry not sure. He is English, from London and has been in Spain for many years and would be around 45+ is tall and thin and a brilliant guitar player. He has an older brother by the name of Graham.

If you could give me any idea of where he might play or is it would be gratefully appriciated. His last known area was in Andalucia.

My enquiry is nothing sinister or the likes…I am just trying to trace him on behalf of his brother who is not well.

Please contact me on widg_et@yahoo.com

thanking you in anticipation

Sandra Cross

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