19 domestic violence fatalities so far this year

A total of nineteen people have died as a result of domestic violence so far this year and six of those have occurred this month, April.

  • April 2004 – 6 deaths
  • April 2005 – 5 deaths
  • April 2006 – 5 deaths
  • April 2007 – 4 deaths
  • April 2008 – 5 deaths
  • April 2009 – 3 deaths

In the nineteen cases so far this year, in only three had there been a complaint of domestic abuse or violence. Twelve of the victims have been Spanish and six have been foreigners.

  • Andalucia – 6 deaths
  • Castilla y León – 3 deaths
  • Madrid – 2 deaths
  • Asturias – 2 deaths
  • There have also been fatalities in Cataluña, Valencia, Baleares and Canarias.

Eleven of the cases involved a situation where the couple were living together and eight cases where it involved an ex-partner.

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