Plaza to plaza, building progress

Up at Plaza Cantarero work is progressing once more, albeit quite slowly. The orange trees seem to have been thinned out a bit but at least they are still there, otherwise it would no longer be Orange Square.

Plaza Cantarero, Nerja Plaza Cantarero, Nerja

Plaza de la Ermita is moving along but still much to be done by the looks of it.

Plaza de la Ermita, Nerja Plaza de la Ermita, Nerja

Down to Plaza Cavana and calle Diputación remains closed as it has now been dug up near the bank. Still a fair bit to do here. Walking either side of the square is no problem, most work being carried out in the actual central square area.

Plaza Cavana, Nerja Plaza Cavana, Nerja

Plaza Cavana, Nerja Plaza Cavana, Nerja

More photos:

Plaza Cavana

Plaza de la Ermita

Plaza Cantarero

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