Thursday wander…

Quite a few people ambling around on the Balcon de Europa today, the ice cream sellers doing quite well. They have also been doing a bit of painting, the metal parts of the seats and the frames of the cannons. Not that it mattered to one set of kids: ‘What does pintado mean?’ asked one child, already astride the cannon and dressed in white!

Balcon de Europa, Nerja

One assumes this woman was testing the urban legend whereby if you are on the star in the centre and make a wish it will come true. Doesn’t hold true for the lottery, unfortunately!

Wet paint Balcon de Europa, Nerja

Nice to see that people treat things with respect! The cannon has become another waste receptacle.


So, that’s a doggy bag!

Doggy bag

A Touch of Spice on avenida Castilla Perez has changed its opening hours. It is now Monday to Thursday from 16:00 to 01:00 and Friday to Sunday 16:00 to 02:00. Happy Hour is from 16:00 to 18:00 daily, maths not being the strong point.

Every little enterprise helps during times of crisis.

Private Enterprise, Nerja

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