The company Playmedia has begun to equip the future Nerja History Museum and, if all goes to plan and there are no more ‘administrative’ hold-ups, the museum should be open next spring.
The scheduled completion period for equipping the museum, beset by delays and party political squabbles, is five months.
According to the manager of the Nerja Caves Foundation (and PSOE spokesman and PSOE mayoral candidate in 2011), Ángel Ramírez, the museum should be open in the spring unless the Mayor (PP) puts any more obstacles in their path.
Ramírez stated that they have spent the past year presenting numerous documents relating to opening licence and licence of first occupation and are still being asked for more documents, the latest being an ‘air conditioning test’.
Although the court has already dismissed claims by the Council relating to alleged irregularities in the financing of the museum, the Council is apparently still pursuing the matter via the State Attorney’s office.