The PSOE has drawn up its list of candidates for the elections in May 2011, with 70% being the same as for the previous election.
The list was approved by 76% of members present, with 12 members voting against and 6 abstaining.
Or, put another way, there are 127 members, of whom 75 turned up and 57 of those voted in favour of the list, making overall support 44.8%.
The PSOE list:
Mayoral candidate: Ángel Ramírez.
Rest of the list, in order:
Mari Carmen González, Luis Peña, Pablo Jimena, Rosa Arrabal, Pedro Romón, Óscar Jiménez, Miriam Broncano, Gema García, José Antonio Martín, Dolores Marfil, Carmen Jiménez, Gustavo Vega, Renata Urban, Manuel Paloma, Pilar Jiménez, Inmaculada Jiménez, María Teresa Álvarez, José Antonio Benítez, Francisco Platero y Luis Solana.