From today until Sunday is feria in La Cala del Moral, Rincón de la Victoria, wit6h a number of activities planned for each day.
At 21:30 tonight it is the opening speech by journalist Manuel Reina followed by a dance performance by Estrella del Alba and the election of Míster La Cala 2011and the Reina de las Fiestas 2011.
On Friday at 14:00 is a meal for the senior residents of the town at the restaurant Riosol and at 23:30 there is a big party organised by Máxima FM.
Saturday begins with activities for kids on the Paseo Maritimo, near Plaza de la Laguna, and at 19:30 it is the traditional ‘regata de jábegas’ (Moorish wind instrument akin to a flute). At midnight there is a concert by the group Duende Burlón.
On Sunday there is a fishing competition, a kids party in the caseta oficial during the afternoon and at 22:30 there is a performance by Mari Carmen Lastre.