A middle-aged man, an elderly woman and a ten year old child have died in a knife attack in the village of Castellar-Oliveral in Valencia. Two other people have been seriously injured.
The attack took place in calle de la Poetisa Leonor Perales at around 21:00 on Friday night when a 33 year old man, for reasons as yet unknown, launched a knife attack on neighbours leaving three dead and two others seriously injured.
A 48 year old woman has severe wounds to the chest and abdomen and is in the Hospital La Fe. A 44 year old man suffered wounds to the neck and back and is in the Hospital General.
The attacker had apparently been moving from floor to floor in the apartment block knocking on doors and then carrying out his attacks. He was located in the street, covered in blood and was arrested as the alleged perpetrator of the crimes.
Police are investigating the attack and trying to see if there was any family or other connection between the attacker and his victims.