A new event at this year’s Ronda May Feria, which began last night and continues until May 22nd, is the I Concurso Exhibición de Gallinas Autóctonas (Native Poultry Contest), with a jury selecting a ‘Miss Gallina’ and ‘Mister Gallo’ (Miss Chicken and Mister Rooster).
The aim is to promote, both at a national and European level, the traditional Andalucian fowl and preserve the heritage of these animals so they do not disappear into history. Around 200 fowl are expected to be on display tomorrow, Sunday, including the Utrera, Andalucian Blue, the Spanish Fighter and the Southern Fighter.
Andalucian hens are seen as being best suited for organic farming, the fowl running free in the countryside. The hens are more resistant to disease and produce the largest yolks.
The Feria also includes exhibitions of livestock in danger of extinction, the traditional Horse market and the X Ham Cutting Competition.