In 2009, the Junta de Andalucia announced its Initiative for Sustainable Tourism in the Axarquia (ITS), with promises of an investment of €42.3 million during the period 2009 to 2013.
To date, and with only one year of the initiative left to run, the actual investment – or budgeted investment, as it would seem that little funding has actually been passed down the line – is a mere €4.3 million.
One of the major projects that has actually been completed is the restoration of the Eagle Aqueduct in Nerja, a €500,00 project. Again, though, it is not known whether any funding actually reached the end of the line, or even started out down the administrative chain.
The Junta de Andalucia has admitted that the progress of the ITS scheme has not been monitored since July 2011,in effect meaning that the whole initiative has been suspended.