The PP government in Rincón de la Victoria is continuing its efforts to gain the approval of the Junta de Andalucia for a new PGOU (General Plan), the current Plan being from 1992 and only partially adapted to the Law on Urban Planning in Andalucia (LOUA).
The first draft of a new PGOU submitted by the previous PSOE and PSIRV administration was rejected in 2012 for exceeding the maximum growth parameters set by law in order to build 15,000 new houses.
The Mayor of Rincón de la Victoria, Francisco Salado (PP), met recently with the new provincial delegate for Environment and Spatial Planning, Javier Carnero, to try and reopen discussions and find a solution to the situation.
It is now thought that a new draft text could be ready in 2013 and that the new PGOU will see an expected growth of zero, with only plans to build around 5,000 houses on land currently pending development.
It is also likely that plans for a second golf course and a marina will not be included in any new PGOU. Plans to build a Business Park in Finca Garcés are, however, expected to be included.