The Junta de Andalucia has instigated legal proceedings against Nerja Council relating to the Social Exclusion Plan 2012, despìte the fact that the Junta started a similar plan the following year, although with fewer benefits for the unemployed.
Nerja put their Plan into operation based upon reports from Social Services confirming social exclusion, with workers enjoying contracts of between 6 and 21 months.
The Plan by the Junta de Andalucia will involve contracts of 3 months, an outlay of €117,000 and employment for 39 people. Nerja Council invested €570,000 and provided employment for 117 people.
The Council points out that other municipalities, such as La Rinconada, have also put their own similar plans into operation but wonders if they, too, are being sanctioned as they happen to be PSOE controlled.