4,000 Nerjeños could benefit from reduction in IBI contributions in 2014

As many as 4,000 Nerjeños could benefit from a reduction in IBI (rates) of between 10% and 50% for 2014 under a scheme from the Málaga Provincial Council in which €5 million has been made available, 55% of the total being for municipalities with a population under 25,000. Such as Nerja.

In total, around 500,000 people in Málaga province are set to benefit under the scheme. The criteria for consideration for a grant towards the IBI bill for 2014 , the property in question must be owned by the individual applying for the grant and have a rateable value under €100,000.

The home owner must be registered in the municipality, it must be his or her primary residence and all tax obligations must be up to date. The lower the rateable value, the higher the grant.

A home with a rateable value of €5,000 will qualify for a grant of 50%, between €5,000 and €10,000 it will be 40%,  between €10,000 and €20,000 it will be 30%, between €20,000 and 30,000 it will be 30%, between €30,000 and €40,000 it will be 25%,  between €40,000 and €50,000 it will be 20%, between €50,000 and €75,000 it will be 15% and between €75,000 and €100,000 it will be 10%.

A few practical examples compared to 2013: A property assessed at €9,800 with IBI of €49 in 2013 will be reduced to €29 in 2014. A property assessed at €36,000 with IBI of €182 in 2013 will be reduced to €137 in 2014.

The aim of the scheme is to assist those with the least financial resources as a result of the crisi.

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