Council to urge the Junta de Andalucia to change its mind on the Virgen del Mar school

The PP government team submitted a motion requesting the Junta de Andalucia to reconsider its decision not to accredit the new Virgen del Mar school, also known as El Tablazo, in its new location.

The Councillor for Education and Culture, Gema Garcia, pointed out that although the Delegation for Education approved the construction of a new centre, it has not approved accreditation.

The Councillor added that the new school will not cost the Junta de Andalucia anything and the project will bring wealth and jobs to the municipality.

Garcia also insisted that the action does not result in Nerja having a new school, it is just a transfer of an existing school, with a change of name along the way, to another, newly constructed building with more modern and up to date facilities.

The motion, as one would expect, was not supported by the PSOE and IU.

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