The secretary general of the PSOE in Castilla -La Mancha, Emiliano García -Page, has requested an explanation from the health administration and the Minister of Education , Marcial Marin, as to how the Minister’s wife managed to undergo surgery just two weeks after being entered on the waiting lists, bypassing 320 other patients.
María Fernanda Gómez Martínez, wife of the Minister of Education Marcial Marín , was apparently included on the surgical waiting list at the Hospital de Albacete on October 8th 2012 and just 15 days later underwent surgery for a herniated disc.
There were said to be 319 patients ahead of the Minister’s wife on the waiting list at the time, including 20 who were due to undergo the same operation.
Regardless of the rights or wrongs, a second question might be why this is being brought up now, more than a year after the event. Electioneering?.