Owners of a garage or a car entrance to their property will shortly be receiving the invoice for the Car Entrance Tax for 2012 and this needs to be paid by January 20th 2014.
The Council recommends setting up a standing order in order to ensure that future taxes are paid on time and do not incur a fine. This can be done in three ways:
At your bank during the payment period that the receipt is due.
After the due payment date of the invoice at the Nerja Tax Office, Patronato de Recaudacion, in calle Axarquia number 3.
Online at the web page of the Tax Office, Patronato de Recaudacion, at www.prpmalaga.es and by clicking on Domiciliacion de Recibos. You will need the reference number of your garage entrance invoice, shown as matricula. This number will be the same matricula number as shown on your IBI (Rates) bill.
For further information contact [email protected] or phone 902 152 000 extension 2. English is spoken but the recommended time to call is in the afternoons from 16:00 to 18:00.