In this controversial yet popularized event in Cadiz, a bull is released and various organizers enter the same street and then taunt the bull in order to stir a frenzied reaction. The regular event has been known to cause injuries, occasionally fatal injuries, as in this particular incident.
After being rammed by the bull, the 74 year old man was then hit a second time and consequently suffered a punctured lung, as well as broken ribs and vertebrae.
As the bull was released and began to charge, younger men were seen to clamber up the railings of a bar to avoid the horns of the angered animal. However the pensioner was then in full view of the manic bull and appeared unable to move quickly enough away from the danger zone. Organizers used flag poles to separate the man from the bull and an attendant was seen to be using all his might desperately pulling the bull away by its tail. The man was rushed to the intensive care unit at the local hospital following the incident on Sunday but sadly, has since died.