Colmenar is located in the most westerly part of the Axarquia district. Its origins are to be found in Barrancos, Peñones, Jaral, Ramos and Colmenar farms (the latter giving the village its name, an allusion to its abundant beehives or colmenas), which belonged to Hamet El Suque before being purchased by the Mayor of Comares, Francisco Coalla, on behalf of the Catholic Monarchs in 1488.

During the reign of Philip II, it was sold to Gabriel de Coalla, to cover the costs of a military expedition.

In 1558, it appears in documentation as Colmenar Manor, and, in 1611, as the property of the first Viscount of Colmenar.

In 1777, it gained independent municipality status.

At the beginning of the 19th century, it was the administrative headquarters of a district comprising the Axarquia villages of Alfarnate, Alfarnatejo, Almachar, El Borge, Cutar, Periana and Riogordo, as well as Casabermeja.


Area: 66 square kilometres
Altitude: 696 mtrs above sea level
Population: +/- 3,300
Distance from Nerja: 62 km
Driving Time: +/- 1 hour


Places of Interest

16th century Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción

17th century Ermita de Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria

Local Cuisine

Local specialities include: Chacinas (cured pork sausages), Gazpacho (chilled tomato soup), Porra (a thick chilled soup with bread and cured ham), Chivo en Salsa (kid in a sauce), Choto al Ajillo (kid in garlic), Cordero (lamb), Borrachuelos (fried dough with sugar) and Carne de Membrillo (quince jelly).

Local Festivals

Fiestas de la Virgen de la Candelaria y San Blas ( January 31st to February 3rd)

Semana Santa

Romería ‘Dia de la Pipa’ (May 3rd)

San Juan (June 24th)

Fiestas de la Virgen de la Asunción ( August)

Fiesta del Mosto y La Chacina (December)

Useful Info

Tourist Office
Plaza de España 9
29170 Colmenar
Tel: 952 730 000
Fax: 952 731 068

Where to Stay

Hotel Balcón de Los Montes***
calle Calle Serranía de Ronda
29170 Colmenar
Tel: 952730530

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