Sayalonga is a small, ‘White Village’, built on the hillside with characteristically narrow, steep and winding streets, some of them stepped.
The cemetery, the ‘Cementerio Redondo’ is unique in Spain and is, as the name suggests, circular in shape. Well, nearly. It’s actually octagonal if the truth be known. Legend has it that it was built this way because the inhabitants of Sayalonga did not want to have their backs to anyone else. As good an explanation as any, I suppose.
Area: 18 square kilometres
Altitude: 35 mtrs above sea level
Population: +/- 1,200
Distance from Nerja: 24 km
Driving Time: +/- 30 mins
Places of Interest
16th century Iglesia Parroquial de Santa Catalina Labranza
16th century Ermita de San Cayetano
19th century Cementerio Redondo
Iglesia de San Pedro in Corumbela. This former minaret was adapted for use as a belfry whilst still maintain its Arabic structure.
Molino Árabe in Zujeila
Batajiz Necropolis
Photo Gallery
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Local Cuisine
Local specialities include: Nisperos (juniper fruit), Arenques Asados (spit-roasted herrings), Migas (fried breadcrumbs with bits of meat), Gazpacho (chilled tomato, garlic and vegetable soup), Potaje de Hinojos (fennel stew) and Calabaza Frita con Orégano (fried pumpkin with oregano).
Local Festivals
Dia de Andalucía (Feb 28th)
Día del Níspero (May 9th)
Feria de Corumbela (1st week in July)
Feria de Sayalonga (3rd week in July)
La Virgen del Rosario (October 7th)
Romería de San Pedro in Corumbela (October 29th)
Useful Info
Tourist Office
95 253 52 06
Where to Stay
Casa Balcón del Rio
(A renovated mill)
Paraje El Molino
29752 Sayalonga
Tel: 95 253 50 40
Casa Pureza
Calle Centro
29752 Sayalonga
Tel: 95 253 50 08
Fax: 95 253 50 21
Where to Eat
Méson Níspero
Callejón del Mirador, 2
29752 Sayalonga
Cafe Palustre
Plaza Rafael Alcoba, 5
29752 Sayalonga
Tel: 96 253 52 14
Restaurante Los Bandoleros
Calle Carretera 9
29752 Sayalonga
Tel: 95 253 52 82
Café/Bar El Chiringuito
Plaza Rafael Alcoba
29752 Sayalonga
Restaurante Morisco
Plaza Rafael Alcoba 8
29752 Sayalonga
Restaurant Jocavi
Plaza Rafael Alcoba 13
29752 Sayalonga
Tel: 95 253 51 77