El Colono
Calle Granada 6
29780 Nerja
Tel: (0034) 95 252 18 26
Mob: (0034) 678 672 350
Email: yelena.ramsden@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ElColonoFlamencoRestaurant?ref=stream

El Colono, Nerja El Colono, Nerja

El Colono is an old tavern, dating back two centuries, not far from the Balcón de Europa, with regular guitar music and flamenco dancing shows.

El Colono, Nerja El Colono

Dinner and Traditional Flamenco Show with Las Malagueñas every Wednesday starting at 9pm. Open for dinner from 7:30pm.

Reservations recommended. MENU SNAPSHOT

For reservations/enquiries etc please email the restaurant directly, call the above phone number or contact Yelena via Facebook rather than using the ‘comments’ form.

El Colono, Nerja El Colono, Nerja

  1. valia coca-serafin says:

    Hola, yo llegare a Nerja el dia 13 de Junio, y quisiera asistir al show de Flamenco y a la cena. ¿Necesitare una reservacion con anticipacion o su restaurant es de libre admision? Espero su respuesta,

  2. Will El Colono be open between 16 – 23 August 2014 for dinner and flamenco show? I am trying to organize a large family holiday to celebrate my parents 80th birthdays

  3. Roelie y Frans says:

    Buenas tardes,
    Nos gustaría visitar su restaurante el día miercoles 23 de julio, para poder asistir también al show flamenco show. Somos 4 personas (3 vegetarianos.
    Esperamos su respuesta.
    Un saludo de Holanda
    Roelie y Frans

    • Hi, Roelie ans Frans! I have just seen your message here accidently. I am not directly connected to this site. Indeed we are going to have flamenco night on the 23d of July and I am happy to reserve a table for you. The the firts part of the show starts at 21.00, there are three full half an hour shows included in the price together with a three-course dinner, please confirm the time of your arrival – between 19.30 and 20.45. We will prepare the vegetarian options for your party!

      You can also contact me directly via our FB page https://www.facebook.com/ElColonoFlamencoRestaurant?ref=stream or

      on mobile: +34 678 672 350

      We look forward to having you at El Colono soon!!!

      Best wishes,


      • Georg Refermat says:

        bitte reserwation group 4person el flamenco u essen 14 octobre 2017tiente 19.00heures
        saluto Georg

  4. duval says:

    queremos reservar para dos comidas y el flamenco Miércoles, 30 de septiembre 2015 tiene 20.00heures
    Si usted tiene el espacio gracias a que nos reservar una mesa no muy cerca del escenario
    esperando su respuesta rececevez nuestros saludos Sra Duval

  5. Tom Steitz says:

    Interested for a group of 7 on Wednesday August 5th. Do you have room? Is the inside air conditioned? What is the cost?

  6. El Colono Flamenco Restaurant! Add it to memory! A must when you are in Nerja!
    Nerja has plenty of gems, so it needs to stand out before I raise my eyebrows.
    If we start with the obvious: The flamenco. Considering the quality, I assume that they have been “in the business” for a while. Nevertheless, I thought that this must be their best performance ever (though I understand from friends down there that this is how it is – every time!)
    The food: There is paella, and then there is El Colonos paella! If I had any saying in it, they had changed the name to El Colono Paella Restaurant. Best paella I’ve ever eaten!
    Staff: I want to be their friends! Even though they were the professional it felt very personal. Just as I like to be treated in a restaurant!
    I booked a table via their Facebook page (search for “El Colono Flamenco Restaurant” will end up right). Worked smoothly!
    /Bosse from Sweden

    • Yelena Ramsden says:

      Thank you, Bosse, for your very kind comments! We look forward to offering you a good service and our famous paella next time you are in Nerja!

      With best regards, Yelena

  7. Gord McCloskey says:

    Hi Yelena. Just noticed your ad and am wondering if you have guitar and flamenco
    dancing during the winter months . Looking forward to it.
    Yours sincerely. Gord

    • Yelena Ramsden says:

      Hi, Gord! Thank you for your message. The restaurant is closed in winter for vacations. Sorry about this! Hope to see you at El Colono soon! Best wishes!

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