High Temperature Warning Alert for Andalusia
High Temperature Warning Alert for Andalusia
Spain’s foreign affairs minister has announced that British visitors will be free to enter Spain from 21 June without the need to quarantine.
From Sunday 21st June Spain’s borders will reopen to visitors from most of Europe. As a protective measure three new health checks will be mandatory at Spain’s ports and airports as announced by Spain’s health minister Salvador Illa. 1st check – Individuals will complete a form stating if they have already had Coronavirus and where they can be found during …
Cine Yelmo has announced this Tuesday that it will reopen its cinema theatres in Malaga this Friday, June 19th. Cine addicts will be able to enjoy films again in their cinemas in Plaza Mayor, Rincón de la Victoria and Vialia shopping centres, with new security measures implemented by the company. Since Cine Yelmo announced the cessation of its activity last …
Andalucía will apparently have the safest beaches in Spain this summer, according to regional minister Elías Bendodo, who was in Marbella this Monday to launch a €34M beach monitoring system. Bendodo stated that the region’s “Safe Beach Plan” was unique in Spain in helping guarantee health and safety measures amind the coronavirus pandemic. Of the €34 million euros invested in the …
Once on the list of endangered species, Spain’s native Iberian lynx population is now thriving in Andalucia thanks to a European Union and Spanish government programme. In 2004 only 94 of the wild cats were living in Andalucia. That number has now grown to 461 and includes an increase in breeding females. Back in 2002, the native lynx was only …
The provinces of Malaga and Granada plan to move to Phase 1 measures from Monday 18th May. The outline and guidance for the new provinces to move to Phase 1 was given during a press conference held yesterday by Salvador Illa, the Minister of Health, and Fernando Simon, the Director of the Centre for Coordination of Health Alerts and Emergencies …
For the first time in history, Spanish doctors have performed surgery on a patient with Stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Previously considered inoperable, Surgeons at the Vall d’Hebron Hospital in Barcelona were able to operate successfully on a patient with terminal pancreatic cancer. The surgery involves a pioneering new technique which perforates the tumour allowing the cancerous cells to be burned …
Local writer, Peny Pluma, who currently lives in Nerja, has kindly let us publish her recent short comedy story, Duck on the Doyng-Doyng. It’s oodased on a real incident, the hilarious tale of the “Popplewells” while holidaying in the Dordogne. We gurantee a laugh. Please feel free to kindly make a comment for Peny below… Duck on the Doyng-Doyng www.penypluma.com …
This coming Sunday sees the small town of Riogordo celebrate the festival of the ‘Day of the Snail’ or in Spanish ‘Día del Caracol de Riogordo.’ This culinary celebration will see the town distribute 400 kilos of snails to the estimated 5000 attendees. Visitors are invited to taste this local dish prepared from land snails cooked in stock and spices such …