Families in the municipality of Vélez-Málaga who face the threat of eviction or the loss of their homes can now use the services of a mortgage brokerage office which has been set up in the town.
Mayor announces plans to stem the decline in public transport passenger numbers
The Mayor of Vélez-Málaga, Francisco Delgado, has announced measures to try and stem the decline in public transport passenger numbers.
Calls for reinstatement of tram service
The PA spokesman in Vélez-Málaga, Marcelino Méndez, has described the closure of the tram service as a ‘dismal failure’ and is calling for it to be reinstated, saying that from June to August the city has lost €77,000 as a result of the closure.
Public transport passenger numbers continue to decline
The Vélez-Málaga public transport system continues to lose passengers at an alarming rate, despite the cessation of the tram on June 4th and the fact that June through August are usually peak months for the use of public transport.
Comedy of errors
The bicycle rental service in Vélez-Málaga began in April 2011 but was suspended just three months later after the Council failed to provide budget provision for replacement parts in case of damage or deterioration.
Council orders suspension of work on the iglesia de San Juan
Vélez-Málaga Council has ordered the suspension of the cleaning and painting of the chapel of the iglesia de San Juan as the site is a Cultural Site of Interest (BIC) and no licence for the works has been obtained from the Department of Culture.
Calle Cervantes to reopen before the Feria
Calle Cervantes, connecting the Camino de Málaga and calle Cristo, will reopen before the Feria de San Miguel, which takes place from September 26th to 30th, according to the Mayor, Francisco Delgado. The works are currently 60% complete.
Mobile phone antennas in Vélez-Málaga
Vélez-Málaga Council is hoping to bring some sort of order into the chaos relating to mobile phone antennas, with only 5 of the 72 towers on the municipal inventory actually being licenced installations.
PA urges stream cleaning to prevent flooding
The PA in Vélez-Málaga has submitted a written request to the ruling PP Council to urgently clean up the various streams and channels in the municipality to prevent possible overflows and flooding.
Vélex-Málaga in debt to the banks to the tune of €78 million
Vélez-Málaga Council is highly unlikely to be able to finance any more luxury or frivolous projects for the next few years after its debts to financial institutions, such as banks, have risen from €36 million last year to €78 million this year.