Keep it simple, all in one pot, looks tasty, it’s the One-Pot Tomato, Basil, + Chicken Pasta
And the capital is?
Brush up on your capitals with this handy little map of Capitals of Every Country. Just mouseover a place, or island, and see what the capital is.
Bread Kills
An oldie, but goldie. And probably fairly typical of the way things actually seem to happen sometimes on the scaremongering front. One day something is good for you, the next it’s not. Bread Kills.
Reportedly a true exam Q and A
Q. Explain one of the processes by which water can be made safe to drink.
Bug recipes
If you fancy something a bit more exotic (!) for lunch then there is always a recipe from the Eat-A-Bug recipe book. Yes, it does exist. Three Bee Salad, Grasshopper kebabs…. The Author Of The ‘Eat-A-Bug’ Cookbook Explains How To Make Tarantulas Taste Good
100 little things
This one must have taken a while to compile. Takes quite a while to read as well. Number 101 would probably be ‘make shorter lists’. 100 little things that travel has taught me
Bizarre lakes
Extremely salty, explosive, blood-red and gooey are not normally descriptions one would usually associate with lakes, but here are 13 of the most bizarre lakes in the world.
Apart from the obvious
Apart from the glaringly obvious, namely muffins, what else can you use your muffin tray for? 31 Fun Treats To Make In A Muffin Tin
Whatever next?
A Kim Jong-un Cat Scratching Post, Wearable Air Futon, Black Toilet Paper and Lego Camera, just some of the oddities available here. Awesome Stuff to Buy.
Unknown design features
I think one can say with a fair amount of certainty that there will be items on this list which were unknown to a great many people. 19 Cool Design Features Hidden On Stuff You Use Every Day