Huevos duros rellenos rebozados (Stuffed hard-boiled eggs in batter)

With this recipe you can get the chorizo as spicy, or non-spicy, as you desire.

6 eggs
100g chorizo sausage
Béchamel sauce with 50g flour
2 hard-boiled eggs
Abundant olive oil for frying

Prepare the béchamel sauce with 50g flour. Remove the skin of the chorizo sausage, chop up finely and add to the béchamel sauce. Cook for 1 minute.

Cook the eggs in salted water for 15 minutes, then cool under running tap water and shell. Cut the eggs in half, remove the yolks and chop up finely.

Mix the egg yolks with the chorizo sausage béchamel sauce and use this to stuff the white of the eggs, creating a domed shape. Roll in flour and beaten eggs and fry in abundant hot oil.