Tartaletas de ensaladilla rusa (Russian salad tartlets)

There is nothing wrong with ready made bits and bobs as it saves loads of time.

6 ready made or home-made pastry tartlets
200g potatoes, peeled and diced
250g peas, podded
250g beetroot (optional)
250g carrots, washed and diced
1/4 L mayonnaise sauce, ready made or home-made
Salt and pepper

Cook the carrots and peas together. After 15 minutes add the potatoes and salt.

Leave to cool then stir in mayonnaise slowly to avoid saturating vegetables with the sauce.

Distribute the mixture between 6 tartlets. If you use beetroot, cook in a pressure cooker for 20 minutes without removing the skin or shoots. Once cold, peel and dice. Beetroot can also be purchased tinned or jarred, far easier.