Malaga Airport to Nerja Airport taxi transfers & local Nerja municipal taxis
Nerja Taxis are an easy and relatively inexpensive way of getting around the local area. The local Airport taxi service is very professional when compared with typical UK standards.TIP: The local pre-bookable airport service (called Solhop) is highly praised on both TripAdvisor (rated no.1) and the local forums. They are not the local white cabs, but rather a licensed provider of quality low-cost private vehicles.
The price for an airport transfer to Nerja with the local company Solhop is €65 for 1-4 passengers in a car. The local municipal Nerja cabs charge €70 for airport runs and Malaga airport taxis charge €80+ depending on the time of day/week. With Solhop you can book online and then pay later when you get to your accommodation. Check out 1000’s of their positive TripAdvisor reviews here.A note on taxis from Malaga Airport: because the taxis at the taxi stand often add various supplements, such as extra baggage, night service etc, it is generally prudent to clarify the price in advance as unscrupulous taxi drivers have been known to overcharge unsuspecting tourists. Better still, book pre-books online here.
Taxis in Nerja are now metered (since 2015) and the run costs are quite fair. There are several Taxi Stands in Nerja. The two main stands are 1) Parallel to the Bus Station on Nerja’s main road and 2) In Calle San Miguel on the Plaza de la Ermita. At all times of the day, you can find Taxis here. Later in the evening Taxis will line up in a small rank next to Plaza Tutti Frutti where there is plenty of nightlife. Official rates should be displayed at airports and inside any licensed taxi. There are taxi ranks in most city centres and it is also possible to hail a taxi in the street. A green ‘libre’ (free) notice on the windscreen or green light on the car roof at night indicates a taxi that is available for hire. Most bars and restaurants will call a taxi for you should you so desire. The main taxi rank is located in Plaza de la Ermita, Calle San Miguel.

Taxi to and from Malaga Airport
If you are planning to travel from Malaga Airport to Nerja, it is highly advisable to pre-book your taxi. If you jump into a taxi at Malaga airport without pre-booking, the official rate for this journey is currently €95,78 on Saturdays, Sundays and Festival Days and after 10:00pm and €80,98 at all other times, although it’s not uncommon to be charged more. Nerja Taxis charge €66 and you can pre-book with their English-speaking staff here or by calling (+34) 951 254 208. They also do minibuses for up to 20 passengers.Local Taxi Fares
The local taxi service in Nerja is now metered (since the end of 2014). Hence you can be sure that you will be charged according to the official tariffs established by the authorities. Tariff charges are as follows:-- Tariff 1: price per km or fraction of: 0,58 € Tariff 2: price per km of fraction of: 0,69 €
- Tariff 1: 1 hr waiting time: 14,44 € Tariff 1: 15 minutes waiting time: 3,60 €
- Tariff 2: 1 hr waiting time: 17,34 € Tariff 2: 15 minutes waiting time: 4,34 €
- Saturday and Sunday from 00:00 to 24:00
- National, provincial and local holidays from 00:00 to 24.00
- Weekdays from 22:00 to 6:00