Voters in Andalucia

A total of 6,390,079 people are registered on the census in Andalucía for voting in the November 20th elections, 2.5% more than in 2008 and there are 339,265 people eligible to vote for the first time.

Rain expected in much of Andalucia

Heavy rain, up to 40 litres per square metre, are being forecast today in Huelva, Sevilla, Cádiz and Córdoba, as well as in Ronda  (Málaga province) and the Jaén districts of Capital y Montes, Cazorla and  Segura. High winds are also being predicted.

Three interceptions off the Andalucian coast

The Marine Rescue Service intercepted three small boats off the Andalucian coast during Wednesday, the passengers including children, babies and a number of pregnant women.

Unemployment up in August

August may be the peak tourist month of the year but unemployment is still rising, up by 10,954 in Andalucia and with the national total now standing at over 4.1million.

Summer road deaths in Andalucia

The overall number of road deaths in Spain during the months of July and August may have fallen but in six autonomous regions, including Andalucia, the death toll actually rose.

Farmers distribute free fruit and veg as a protest

A caravan made ​​up of musicians and vehicles drove through the streets of Granada today to distribute over 15,000 kilos of fruits and vegetables, a protest at the low prices of horticultural products as a result of the so-called ‘cucumber crisis’.

A hot day expected

Seven provinces are on alert today for temperatures of around 40 degrees, particularly in mountain areas. Málaga is the only province not included in the alert. There could also be strong wings along the southern coast of Andalucia, particularly in the straits of Gibraltar.