First illegals of the new year

A total of 37 New Year arrivals are now in Motril after their small boat was intercepted near the Isla de Alborán by the Marine Rescue Service and Guardia Civil.

Work starts on new fire station in Colmenar

The Málaga provincial Council has started work on a new fire station in Colmenar, the project costing €500,000 with a completion period of six months. The new station will provide cover for Colmenar, Alfarnate, Alfarnatejo, Riogordo and Casabermeja as well as a stretch of the A-92.

Expected winter sales spending

According to a survey by FUCI (Federación de Usuarios-Consumidores Independientes), Andalucians are expected to spend €85 during the winter sales which start on January 7th 2011.

Night skiing starts at the Sierra Nevada ski resort

Weather conditions permitting, of course, night skiing is possible at the Sierra Nevada ski resort from now until February. The El Rio piste, 3.258 kilometres in length, will be open every Saturday from 19:00 to 21:30

First arrivals of 2011 in Andalucia

Ryan Chunga Hinojosa was the first baby born in hospital in Andalucia in 2011, arriving at 00:25 at the Hospital de Poniente in El Ejido, Almería.

Woman dies in fire in Almeria

A middle-aged woman died on Wednesday afternoon in a fire at her home in calle Pedro Jover in the centre of Almeria.

85 illegals intercepted off the Andalucia coast

A total of 85 seafaring visitors from North Africa have been welcomed by the Marine Rescue and Guardia Civil off the coast of Andalucia in the past couple of days, most now enjoying the hospitality of the National Police before returning from whence they came.