Crash helmet campaign starts today

Starting today and continuing until July 31st, motorcyclists in Andalucía, Extremadura and Murcia not wearing crash helmets will have their machines immobilised by the police.

Teenagers in Andalucía

The University of Jerez has been carrying out a study of teenagers in Andalucía and some of the results are quite disturbing.

Weekend toll

A total of 8 people died on the roads in Andalucía at the weekend and one other person was seriously injured. Three of the fatalities involved motorcycles.

Weekend toll

A total of six people died on the roads of Andalucía during the long May Day holiday weekend. One other person was seriously injured.

Nerja athletes dominate

The Nerja Athletics Club, Cueva de Nerja-Uma, dominated the Andalucían club championships, finishing in first place, in both male and female sections, for the seventh consecutive year. The championships were held in very soggy conditions in Salobreja, Jaén. The runners-up in both male and female sections were Jaén and third place was taken by Córdoba in the women’s section and …

Hotel occupancy in Andalucía

Hotels in Andalucía are still expecting an overall occupancy rate of 80% during the Semana Santa holiday period, similar to last year.

One hour strike by AENA workers

Around 2,500 AENA workers in Sevilla and five other airports in Andalucía have been called upon to support a one hour strike by their unions, the  CCOO, UGT and USO.

No confidence

An opinion poll of 3,200 people throughout the eight provinces of Andalucía suggests that 6 ot of every 10 people have little or no confidence in the policies of either the Central or Regional Government when it comes to solving the current economic crisis. The survey was carried out by CADPEA (Centro de Análisis y Documentación Política y Electoral de …