The circus is coming to town

The Gran Circo Tonelly has been given permission to set up in Nerja to present their new show ‘Magic Starlite’.

Alleged killer apprehended

Guardia Civil officers have located and arrested the former partner of María del Carmen Marín who was found stabbed to death at her home in Berja, Almeria, on Sunday.

Domestic fatality in Berja, Almeria

One has to wonder about the efficacy of restraining orders after 42-year-old María del Carmen Marín was stabbed and beheaded at her home in Berja, Almeria, allegedly by her ex-partner.

Berja Council reopens Castala Park

Berja Council has reopened the Castala Park but the area is still being monitored due to signs of the presence of a large feline.

No sign of Black Panther as yet

A baited trap strategically placed in a wet area where an animal would go to quench its thirst, video surveillance and searches have so far failed to find any trace of the Black Panther reportedly seen in Castalla park in Berja, Almeria.

Big black cat sighted in Berja

The Castala semi-urban park in Berja, Almeria, is closed to the public after several people reported seeing a large black cat in the area.

Amazed and stunned…

Well, well, well…absolutely amazed, nay stunned. Having been in Plaza de España, watched the entire start, photographed and/or videoed most of it and seen no number higher than the mid-1700’s, I was more than absolutely convinced that participation was well under that of last year, presumably due to the weather conditions. I almost fell off my perch when I read …