The authorities in France have so far discovered seven ETA hideouts, the latest containing over 300 kilos of explosives.
Bombs rock Palma
Three bombs have so far exploded in Palma on the island of Majorca, the latest at around 18:30. A warning was given before the first explosions.
Two bomb attacks in Vizcaya
Two bomb attacks in Vizcaya last night have caused extensive material damage but there are no reports of any injuries. The first device exploded shortly after midnight at the Euskotren railway station in Berriz. The station had closed at 22:00 and this prevented any casualties. There was no warning given before the explosion. The second attack took place two hours …
Seven injured in bomb attack
Seven people have been injured in a bomb explosion at the Ertzaintza station in Ondarroa, Vizcaya. It was the second bomb attack in the past few hours.
ETA plants 3 bombs in Málaga
ETA has detonated two small bombs in Málaga, one in the city itself and one in Benalmádena Marina. A third device, also very low power, was deactivated by the security forces. None of the devices caused any injuries and material damage was minimal.