Five boats intercepted near Cabo de Gata

No less than five boats were intercepted yesterday off Cabo de Gata, Almería, as a total of 68 North Africans attempted to illegally relocate to Spain. The passengers included three minors and one woman.

28 illegal immigrants intercepted

Two boats were intercepted yesterday south-east of Cabo de Gata, Almería, with a total of 28 illegal immigrants on board.

126 illegal immigrants detained

Thursday was a busy day for the Maritime Rescue Services in Almería and Granada with a total of 126 unwanted tourists being ‘rescued’ from their small craft.

16 illegal immigrants intercepted off Cabo de Gata

The Maritime Rescue Service has intercepted and rescued 17 North Africans immigrants about 16 miles from Cabo de Gata, Almería. The boat was first spotted during the afternoon by a merchant vessel from the Canary Islands. All the immigrants were adults and in apparent good health.

Greenpeace cover the Hotel El Algarrobico

Greenpeace activists have this morning covered the Hotel El Algarrobico in Almería with green cloth to symbolise its ‘disappearance’. The twenty storey Hotel, located near Carboneras beach in the Cabo de Gata natural park, has been the subject of numerous protests and legal actions relating to the legality of the construction. For the time being, at least, the 18,000 square …

Illegal immigrants intercepted off Cabo de Gata

The Guardia Civil has intercepted a small boat carrying 10 North African tourists, all of whom had inadvertently forgotten or misplaced all their necessary paperwork. The boat was spotted at around 22:30 last night about eleven miles off Cabo de Gata in Almería and was then intercepted by a vessel from the Maritime Rescue Service. The passengers were transferred to …


After a break due to the recent bad weather, unauthorised travel between North Africa and Anywhere in Andalucía has resumed.