Once again, immigrants arriving off the Spanish coast have used a small, inflatable rowing boat as their means of transport. Must be hard work apart from anything else.
More flimsy dinghies arrive off Tarifa
This morning has seen the arrival of two more small, inflatable rowing boats off the coast near Tarifa with a total of 14 passengers on board.
Five men in a boat
The Guardia Civil has rescued five Moroccans who were traveling in a small, engineless dinghy of the sort normally being used by kids at the beach. The boat was spotted about 2.5 miles south of Guadalmesí, near Tarifa, with five Moroccan adult males on board. After being rescued, the five men were checked by the Red Cross in Tarifa before …
Five men in a dinghy
Five illegal immigrants in a small rubber dinghy were intercepted on Tuesday afternoon after being spotted by a ship travelling through the Straits of Gibraltar.