There were three low intensity earthquakes, measuring 2 or less on the Richter scale, in Málaga province in the early hours of Tuesday morning.
Two more quakes in Jaén province
Two new earthquakes measuring 2.8 and 2.2 on the Richter scale have been felt in the municipalities of Puente del Obispo, Begíjar and Lupión in Jaén province.
Quakes on El Hierro
The island of El Hierro has suffered over one hundred tremors during the weekend, the largest being at 10:59 on Sunday morning and registering 4.9 on the Richter scale.
Two quakes in Torreperogil, Jaén province
Two seismic disturbances hit the town of Torreperogil, Jaén province, within twenty-four hours, the second slightly lower than the first at 2.8 on the Richter scale. The quake was at a depth of ten kilometres and was clearly felt in the town although no damage was reported.
Two small quakes in Jaén
Two small tremors were felt on Wednesday evening in the town of Torreperogil in Jaén province, the epicentre of both quakes being Sabiote.
Two quakes in Almeria
Two earthquakes today in the Alboran Sea were felt by residents of several coastal towns in Almeria.
Two small tremors in Granada and Almeria
Two small earthquakes this morning were felt by a number of people in Almeria and Granada provinces but there are no reports of damage or injuries.
Quake Sunday
The town of Moraleda de Zafayona in Granada province has suffered eleven earthquakes within the past twenty-four hours, the strength varying from 1.5 to 2.3 on the Richter scale.
Overnight quakes on El Hierro
The island of El Hierro has suffered around 11,000 quakes and tremors since July, the strongest, measuring 4.6 on the Richter scale, occurring at 20:30 on Friday night.
More quakes on El Hierro
The earth has been moving again under the feet of the island of El Hierro with three quakes being felt in the past twenty-four hours.