Movement on the Fire Park front

The Mayor of Nerja, José Alberto Armijo, has announced that the Málaga Provincial Council has approved a €700,000 amendment to the budget for the proposed Nerja Fire Park.

Council approves contract for Fire Park access road

The Council has approved the adjudication of the contract to construct an access road for the possible future Fire Park, the budget for this work currently being €122,000 and the completion period six weeks.

Glimmer of hope for Fire Park project

The proposed new Fire Park in Nerja has now suffered five years of delays as a result of changes of location and a subsequent lack of funding by the Junta de Andalucia and the provincial Council, but there does now seem to be a glimmer of hope.

Nerja and the Provincial Fire Consortium

The Council is set to debate a motion requesting the Provincial Fire Consortium to demand payment of debts incurred by some municipalities, reported as being €8,399,956.10, and if payment is not forthcoming, to handle the matter via the Inland Revenue through the withholding of payments in advance or on account.