It’s official, no CHARE

The provincial delegate for Health, María Antigua Escalera, has confirmed that, contrary to an earlier announcement by Mariano Ruiz Cuadra, Nerja will not be getting a CHARE but will be getting a Health Centre with a broad portfolio of services.

Announcement of CHARE was ‘a mistake’

In April of this year, the PSOE parliamentary representative for Málaga, Mariano Ruiz Cuadra, visited Nerja and announced that the town would be getting a CHARE (specialist hospital and medical facility) rather than a regular Health Centre.

Less talk, more action

Nothing is ever straightforward in politics, especially if more than one party is involved. The Mayor of Nerja, José Alberto Armijo (PP), has expressed surprise at the announcement from the PSOE that the municipality is to get a CHARE (specialist hospital) rather than a Health Centre.

CHARE, not Health Centre

Nerja will now be getting a Centro Hospitalario de Alta Resolución de Especialidades (CHARE) – High Quality Speciality Hospital – rather than the original plan, a traditional Health Centre.

First phase of new Health Centre almost complete

The first phase of infrastructure works in calle Puente Viejo are almost finished and should be completed at the end of this week. The next stage is to commence construction of the new Health Centre itself.


A group of twenty health workers in Torrox gathered outside the Health Centre in the town as a gesture of solidarity with their colleagues in Nerja and demanded more video surveillance in schools and other public buildings. The demonstration was sparked by an attack on two workers at the Nerja Health Centre on Tuesday afternoon.

Health Centre update

Work on the area around the proposed new Health Centre is progressing, the new roundabout beginning to look quite…round. A long way to go, though, before work on the actual centre can begin. A whole new street is to be built as well as all the infrastructure.