The Junta de Andalucia has authorised a credit of €349,888 to enable ecological restoration work in public forest areas around Competa and Canillas de Albaida which were damaged by fire.
Loan secured to complete the Nerja History Museum
The Nerja Caves Foundation has managed to secure a €1.8 million loan to complete the new Nerja History Museum.
Vélez-Málaga arranges loan to pay old debts
Vélez-Málaga Council has signed a loan agreement for €2.5 million with a local finance company in an effort to pay off some of its older debts to local companies.
Sierra de Yeguas Council trying to raise loan to repay debts
The new government in Sierra de Yeguas has declared itself willing to pay off its debts to suppliers, mainly local, amounting to €1.3 million.