Three perish in fire in Madrid

An elderly couple and their son died at around midnight last night in a fire in calle María Odiaga in the district of Carabanchel in Madrid.

Possible domestic fatality in Madrid

Police in Madrid are investigating the death of 52 year old María Ascensión M.R whose body was found on Saturday at her home in calle del Doctor Martín Arévalo in the Villaverde district of the capital.

Parricide in Madrid

An 80 year old woman has been found dead in her room in Madrid and her 42 year old son dead on the street below after a caller, assumed to be the son, called the police to say that if they went to the address they would find two bodies.

Adolfo Suarez in hospital

The former Prime Minister of Spain, Adolfo Suarez, spent Friday night in hospital in Madrid where he is undergoing routine medical tests. Suarez, the first democratically elected Prime Minister of Spain, is 79 years old and has been suffering from Alzheimer’s for the past seven years.

Industrial fatality in San Blas, Madrid

One worker died after being buried in a trench while working on a building site in calle de Iquitos in the San Blas district of Madrid. His brother was miraculously rescued from the rubble unharmed.

Three policemen injured in Madrid

Three policemen were injured in Madrid after one officer requested a Nigerian man in his forties to produce identification papers.