Meson Cache up for rent again

Looks like the reopening of Meson Cache in calle M’alaga was short-lived as there is now a ‘se traspasa’ sign on the window. Always looked to be doing very well but maybe it was just a summer venture.

Tapas at Meson Cache

The recently reopened Meson Cache on calle Málaga is attracting a good lunchtime crowd, offering some nice tapas and a menu del dia.

Meson Cache open again

The former Meson Cache on calle Málaga is open again, or at least the premises are. A beer and a tapa for €1.50.

A book, a tapa and a closure…

Well, haven’t done that for many a long moon, sit and read a (longish) novel from cover to cover and virtually to the exclusion of just about everything else. Just roasted on the balcony and read.