V&P in calle Los Huertos

The former La Trattoria on calle Los Huertos has now become the V&P taverne and restaurant.

For You

The former Zacatecas on the ground floor of Edificio Coronado in calle Los Huertos is now For You and is open from 18:00.

Increased Local Police activity

The Local Police have reportedly been busy the past few weeks in the run-up to the main summer season, issuing denuncias to twenty people for failing to clean up after their pets, starting proceedings against five people for violating the municipal cleaning ordinance, removing two unauthorised terraces, intervening in nine cases of anti-social behaviour and investigating seven people for carrying …

Out and About June 12th 2013…

A few more visitors milling around today, and a lot of them sitting in the shade of the trees on the Balcón de Europa as it was quite a warm day. A lot of Dutch and Irish visitors over the past week or so.

Assistance with nursery school places for the unemployed

The Council is continuing with the Plan for Municipal Aid to Unemployed Families for Nursery School Places for the academic year 2013/2014, but this time it will be not only unemployed mothers who can benefit, but also fathers.

Weaving away…

Good to see that Joaquín is still making his Esparto Grass baskets and other objects. He has become quite a regular in calle Puerta del Mar this past year. Not sure if he has passed his trade on to anyone else, seems to be a bit of a dying art unfortunately.

Art exhibition at the Sala Mercado

The Sala Mercado in calle San Miguel is hosting an exhibition of the paintings from the XVIII Painting, Poetry and Short Story Competition organised by FLAMPA. The exhibition is open from 11.30 to 13.30 hours and from 19.30 to 21:00 and continues until June 18th 2013.

Extra rubbish collections begin on June 17th

Starting on Friday June 17th and continuing until mid September, there will be extra collections of non-organic rubbish (paper, cardboard and plastics) in the central streets of the town. These collections will take place between 14:00 and 15:00 on Monday to Friday in calles Diputación, Carmen, Puerta del Mar, Pintada, Cruz and Angustias.

Quick tapas at Vicente

A stop at Vicente in calle Málaga, Nerja, is always worth it. The tapas are large portions and great value and the atmosphere is always good. Here is a short video from my latest visit.