According to the latest survey carried out by Metroscopia for the newspaper El Pais, if an election were to be held now then the new party Podemos would come out on top with 27% of the votes.
PP may not be popular but they would apparently still win an election
A new opinion poll carried out by Metroscopia for the newspaper El Pais suggests that although the approval rating of the ruling Partido Popular (PP) is at an all-time low, they would still win an election if it were held now.
Opinion poll
According to a seemingly pointless Egopa opinion poll, if an election were to be held now in Andalucia it would result in a win for the PSOE-A by two points, with 39.76% to 37.62% of the votes. Not that winning or losing an election made any difference in March 2012.
No confidence
An opinion poll of 3,200 people throughout the eight provinces of Andalucía suggests that 6 ot of every 10 people have little or no confidence in the policies of either the Central or Regional Government when it comes to solving the current economic crisis. The survey was carried out by CADPEA (Centro de Análisis y Documentación Política y Electoral de …