Council to build two new petanca courts

The Council and the Asociación Hispano Nórdica have reached an agreement for the construction of two more petanca courts near the Municipal Sports Centre due to the popularity of the activity amongst Nordic residents.

Ronda skate park out to tender

Ronda Council has opened the bidding process for the construction of a new skate park and nine petanca pistes, a contract worth about €300,000.

New petanca courts in Villanueva de la Concepción

Villanueva de la Concepción Council has built seven new petanca courts in the parque Antonio Bolívar at a cost of €95,318, with €83,154 being financed under the PRODER programme – National programme for the Economic Development and Diversification of Rural Areas.

Good day for it…

Glorious couple of days, clear blue skies and quite a few people sunbathing on the beaches. And who can blame them? Flat, calm sea and clear at the moment, certainly clear enough to see the little fishies swimming around.

Bars, parking and other stuff…

No more unpleasant bending with the labour-saving magnetic petanca ball picker-upper (it probably has a proper name), or at least that is the theory. Watching a group of players, it invariably began with a ‘go fish’ exercise followed by a frantic untangling of several lines or, in one instance, one of them getting the line caught round their ankles and …

Murcia win the petanca championships

A team from Murcia became the champions of Spain after winning the Men’s Junior Petanca Championships held at El Playazo beach at the weekend, beating a team from Alicante in the final.

Nerja to host petanca championships

Petanca is the order of the day at the weekend as Nerja plays host to the Campeonato de España Juvenil Masculino (Junior Male Championship of Spain) and the Campeonato de España Absoluto 2a (Absolute Championship of Spain category 2a).

Beaches, balls and bugs…

A lovely day, fairly clear skies and quite warm in the sun, good day for a wander….and a good grumble. Plenty of people in shorts today, although nobody brave enough to go in the sea, and who can blame them? End of August is pushing it a bit!